The Reputation System
In our community, being able to know who to trust and who has proven shipping abilities is essential. Our (work-in-progress) Reputation System captures Member contributions and gives them XP so that Project Leads know which Members are reliable.
As Superteam grows globally, a reputation system of all geographies will eventually form the front page of each one and reflect who are the most active folks in the communities.
Hence, XP points are like your DAO Credit Score - they are a reflection of the value you have added to Superteam as well as the larger ecosystem using your skills and intent.
How are XPs allocated?
They are allocated on the basis of a simple formula: XP = (Effort) * (Importance).
Effort is determined by the amount of time you worked on a project. However, measuring only the number of hours you worked would incentivize doing busywork, which we don’t want. For that reason, we multiply the amount of time you invested by an Importance Multiplier.
The Importance multiplier is inherently subjective. Currently, it is determined by the Core Contributors, though over time the community as a whole will be more involved.
The multiplier is a number ranging from 1.0 to 4.0. A low multiplier is applied to projects that are useful but not ground-breaking, while a high multiplier is given for critical or impactful projects.
The following factors may increase the XP multiplier score:
Project team's suggested XP multiplier (self-reported)
Impact of the project
Visibility of the project
Benefits to the community
Complexity of the project
Reach of the project
Reception of the project
Bringing in more talent to the community
Creating more business in the future for community members
Example Multipliers
We're still developing clear standards for determining the XP Multiplier. Until then, here are example projects with associated multipliers:
1.0 multiplier - a project that shipped, but was ephemeral and non-critical for the DAO.
2.0 multiplier - a great straightforward project that is likely to be lasting and draw attention to the DAO. May result in future project work for the DAO.
2.5 multiplier - a great complicated project that is likely to lead to other Members earning more (ex. Ketto Token Research)
3.0 - an essential project for the DAO that creates immediate benefits (ex. Earnings Dashboard)
4.0 - a flagship project for the DAO that brings many long-term benefits to the community (ex. Start on Solana)
The Reputation Leaderboard showcases the top contributors by skillset. Members with a lot of XP get asked to join high-paying and highly interesting projects. You can also use your XP in Superteam as a credential for working in Web3 more broadly.
XP sources:
There are four sources of XP:
1. Permissionless Bounties
Type: Fixed and one-time XP, available for winning a bounty or reviewing a bounty.
XPs for bounty wins are awarded automatically, when and if you've been invited to the community in any capacity, i.e., there is no need to fill out any forms for this.
Find open bounties here.
2. Indie Contribution
Type: Generally, fixed and one-time XP.
Indie contributions take various forms - some with pre-defined XP listed in the XP Menu below, others requiring separate application. Upon approval by designated reviewers, the XP is awarded.
Claim XP for an Indie contribution by posting a live link to your contribution (essays, merged GitHub PRs, etc.) on the #earn-xp channel in your Local Superteam server.
The XP menu can be customized by your local Superteam lead. For more details, check the #earn-xp channel.
Members of Superteam India & Germany receive 5XP for each community call they attend - this is automatically allocated i.e., there is no need to fill out any forms for this.
3. Contributions to Grant Projects and Permissioned Bounties
Type: Variable and one-time XP, awarded once the project is shipped and marked as completed.
For each project, the project lead is required to fill in the XP Claim form. He/she/they is/are accountable for presenting both qualitative and quantitative information about the team members' contributions, taking into account their significance and relevance to the project.
The Reputation Lead will then add a multiplier to the final XP allocated.
XPawarded = ProRataContribution * Total Project XP * Multiplier
In case you're uncertain about time and multiplier estimates, refer to this doc on XP allocation for Superteam Earn.
Note: We ensure fair allocation of XPs across all projects by capping Total Time taken by the entire Team to reach their self-declared goal at 400 hours and limiting Individual XP to 3000XP.
4. Superteam Braintrust
Members engaged in part-time/full-time community-focused work within Superteam receive fixed, recurring XP on a monthly basis, automatically granted at the end of each month.
The amount of XP allotted per month is based on the tier of work, which is as follows:
Full-time work: 700 XP
Project leads: 500 XP
Part-time work and other assistance: 250 XP
Grantees shall start receiving XP once their contracts are effective.
Note: If this feels a bit confusing right now, don’t worry. You’ll get more used to it as you contribute more to the community.
Last updated